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Monday, February 13, 2012

Oudorn's Textbook Questions (12,14,17)

12. While shopping online, Ji Hun finds a square rug with the area of 11 m squared. He needs to know if it will fit his 4m x 5m bedroom.

a)Estimate the side length of the rug, to one decimal place

b)Check your estimate with a calculator.

Square root of 11=3.316

c) Will the rug fit? Explain.
Yes it will, because the area of the room is 20m²

14. Alex is thinking of a number. The number has a square root between 7 and 8, and a multiple of 12.

a) What number could he be thinking of?


b) Is there more than one answer? Explain.
No, because 60 is the only number that is between the square root of 7 and 8 that is a multiple of 12.

17. Carmel wants to mount an 18cm x 18cm square picture on a square board that is four times the area or the picture

a) What is the area of the picture?

Area = 324cm²

b) What is the area of the board?

324 x 324 = 1296cm²

c) What are the dimensions of the board?

Square root of 1296= 36cm

36 x 36 = 1296cm²

Pythagorean Relationship

1.Answer in short paragraph and with diagrams

a² + b² = c² is a formula. If you take the legs of the triangle( a and b), square them, then add them, you will get c²(hypotenuse²). You can determain if the triangle is a right triangle or not by doing a² + b² = c².

2. Solve for the missing side length.

C²= A²(5cm)+B²(12cm)
C= square root of 169
C= 13cm

3.Is this a right triangle? Prove it!!!


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