There was a lot of students from all over Winnipeg coming to watch We Day and you can tell by the screaming and shouting that the audience was having fun and they wanted to make a change in the world and that they care.
The speakers that I remember were Hannah Taylor, Craig Kielburger, Marc Keilburger, Rick Hansen, Al Gore, Spencer West, cast of Degrassi, and Michel Chikwanine who shared his past with us. The people who performed for us was Shawn Desman, Down with Webster, Hedley, Sierra Noble, and Neverest.
The people who inspired me the most was .. well.. mostly all of them! Because all their speeches were basically based on poverty and believing in yourself to help make a difference. Hannah Taylor chose to make a difference when she was 5. She saw a homeless guy eating out of a garbage can and she decided to help the guy and start a movement. At the age of 8 she began a ladybug foundation charity that supports the homeless. Hannah Taylor taught me that it doesn't matter what age you are, you're never too young or too old to make a difference in the world. All you have to do is try your best and show that you care about making a difference.
Rick Hansen got into a car accident at the age of 15 and broke his spine ( waist down ) and the doctors said he could never walk again. But when he ended up on a wheelchair, he decided it wasn't all that bad. He was known as " Man in Motion" because he won 19 international wheelchair marathons and he wheeled through 35 countries. Rick Hansen taught me that, anything is possible and it doesn't matter what disability you have. Chase your dream, believe in yourself and you will achieve all your goals and nothing can't stop you from doing what you want.
Spencer West would probably be my number 1 inspiration because even though he has almost half of his body, he is still like one of us but has a disability. Spencer West probably got hurt by getting bullied because he had no legs and getting laughed at, but here he is today.. talking in front of millions of people, showing them that even though he's a person with a disability, he can make a change in the world. He shows love by his humor and he doesn't care what people think about him because he believes in himself and I think it's pretty amazing how Spencer is going to climb mount Kilimanjaro to show the world that he can do anything, if he just tries. Spencer may be small, but he has a big heart and he made me smile today by his speech.
Craig Keilburger and his brother taught us how to say " We are! " a lot of times. Hahaha! Just kidding. But Craig Keilburger made a huge difference in the world. He built many schools in Africa and he helped kids in Africa by accessing to clean water and good health care. Craig was only 12 years old when he started a movement and he changed many peoples lives. He tried his best to get the whole world to his attention so everyone can make a difference.
I think I talked about the speakers a little bit too much .. but that's how much the speakers inspired me but I want to talk about one more speaker.. Michel Chikwanine. Michel was forced to become a child soldier and was forced to shoot his best friend when he was 5. They cut his wrists and rubbed his open wounds with a mixture of cocaine and gun powder. Michel luckily escaped from the soldiers and he didn't hide what happened to him. He shared his story will millions of people all over the world and started a vow of silence. Vow of Silence is when you don't talk, text, email, tweet, or Facebook. Why? because Michel knows there are still more kids out there in Congo where he lived that don't have the right to speak. They don't have the right to freedom and education and they can't live like a normal child. All these kids are silenced and they can't do anything about it but .. WE CAN. Lets join Michel and do the vow of silence on Nov 30 and help children who are silenced right now.
I want to be the change in the world and I want to help children in child labour and in poverty. My favorite part at We Day was when we were doing the We Day dance and Shawn Desman got everyone up on their feet and started to dance.
We Day taught me many things and I know that this day will be memorable cause it sure made me think about making a change and believing in myself. I thought this We Day experience was amazing and I would like to attend again next year because I learned a lot from all the speakers.
Sorry if this is too long..
Here's some pictures I took at the We Day concert (:
Hannah Taylor (:
Rick Hansen (:
Craig and Marc Keilburger (:
Shows how much people were there! (:
My Favourite Picture! Vow of Silence (:
I could have uploaded videos but it took too long,
Hope you guys like it (:
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