The 1st is the bar graph.
It's best for comparing data across categories.
A disadvantage is that it can only be used with discrete data.

The 2nd is the double bar graph.
It's best for comparing 2 sets of data across categories.
A disadvantage is that you need 2 sets of data to use a double bar graph.

The 3rd is the circle graph.
It's best for comparing categories to the whole using percents.
A disadvantage is that to use a circle graph takes to long to make because you have to turn all the data into percents.

The last graph is the line graph.
It's best for showing changes in data over time and the trends.
A disadvantage is that the points on the line aren't in the exact place.

This picture is of a double line graph.
There are 4 different ways a graph could be misleading.
1) The color of of one of the bars could be different from the others.
2) One of the bars could be wider than the others.
3) One of the bars could turned into 3d.
4) There could be a break in the y-axis.

2a) The following chart shows Pizza Sub Sales over a month. What 2 graphs would show the information accurately?
The 2 graphs that would show this information accurately would have to be the line graph and bar graph.
2b) If you were selling Pizza Subs would you continue? How does your graph explain your answer.
Yes I would continue to sell Pizza Subs, because as the weeks go by more people want to buy Pizza Subs.

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