1) What was Our Pay It Forward act of kindness?
Our active kindness were picking up garbage around the neighborhood, donating clothes that we don't wear and don't fit us any more to Value Village, shoveling Masynne's and Dorian's front yard and steps.2) Why did you choose this active kindness?
3) Who did you help?
We helped Masynne's parents and animals and people in our community.
We helped Masynne's parents and animals and people in our community.
4) When did you do your act of kindness?
we picked up garbage on November 12 we donated to Value Village on November 13 and we shovelled on November 19.
we picked up garbage on November 12 we donated to Value Village on November 13 and we shovelled on November 19.
5) How did your act of kindness go?
the garbage cleaning was messy but it was worth it to see the community cleaner.Donating clothes was easy and is something we do every once in a while. Shoveling was fun but a little cold.
7) How did you feel?
it felt good to give back to the community make it nice and clean and a better place.
9) Did you ask the person or people to "Pay It Forward"?
No, we didn't really talk to that many people and didn't really get a chance to explain why we were doing this and what Pay it Forward was.
8) How did the person or people react?
Masynnes parents were pleased , some people that saw us cleaning up garbage said "good job"9) Did you ask the person or people to "Pay It Forward"?
10) Why is the idea of "Pay it Forward" important?
The idea of Pay it Forward is important so that we can make the world a better place, and be the change that you want to see.
11) Has your act of kindness made a difference?
Yeah, our active kindess did make little difference because the neighborhood is a little cleaner now and Masynne's parents don't have to worry about slipping.members of our community :)
In front of Masynne's house

^Sydney having fun^
Had fun day (x

^Sydney having fun^
Had fun day (x
It looks like you guys were having a lot of fun. I like how Hannah's always posing
Haha that looks like fun but it also looks cold out. I like how there's a butt staring at viewers of the picture.
Great job Hannah. :)
You have really made a difference in the environment around you and people that are unfortunate :) Congratulations :D
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