Advantage- Good for seeing which set of data is better
Disadvantage- You can't see the changes overtime
Double Bar Graph
Advantage- See both sets of data and you can easily compare them
Disadvantage- Not that accurate, it won't be in the exact place
Line Graph
Advantage- You can see the changes overtime
Disadvantage- It's not that accurate to see how many people likes it
Circle Graph
Advantage- It easily compares wholes of 2 data
Disadvantage- Hard to figure out the percent if there are more than 2 data
Advantage- It is good to compare data and can be counted easily
Disadvantage- Sometimes the symbol is half or not a whole so it is hard to tell what it's worth

First way to misinterpret a graph is a break in the y-axis

Second way to misinterpret a graph is make on bar larger than the others

Third way to misinterpret is in a pictograph you can make one picture larger than the others
2a) The following chart shows Pizza Sub Sales over a month. What 2 graphs would show the information accurately?
2b) If you were selling Pizza Subs would you continue? How does your graph explain your answer.

2a)The 2 graphs that would show the information more accurately is a line graph and bar graph
2b)Yes because each week they are selling more items
4. Below you see 2 different examples of graphs showing healthy choices sold at the canteen. If you had to convince Mrs Mota that we should continue selling healthy choices which graph would you choose?
4a) Change each graph so that your information looks even MORE impressive. You may not change the data just the graphs.

4) I would choose the line graph because it shows the changes and how it improved each month

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