-ratio: A comparison of quantities in the same units
Example: Words-three compared to nine 0r 3 to 9
Ratio Notation- 3:9-rate: a comparison of 2 quantities measured in different units

-proportion- shows an equation which states that 2 ratios (fractions) are equal

Task 2
- 5 hours to travel 360 miles is about 72 mph
- As a playgroup worker, if I increase the amount of apple juice I am serving at the playgroup from 25 ml to 100 ml, how much should I increase the the orange juice to, keep the quantities in the same proportion? The orange juice is 50 ml to start with.
I increase the orange juice to keep the quantities in the same proportion by multiplying it by 4 or 50 x 4 =200 total quantities of orange juice.
What are the three ways you can prove that equivalent ratio statements are true?
3/4 = 12/16 or 4/9 = 16/32

Task 4
Find a video about using proportion and embed it in your post. Make sure you select the small size of the video.Task 5
We are starting to engage in discussions about social justice. What do you think about this image below. Use the link to copy it into your post. Then answer the questions
- Does this seem fair? no it's not fair
- With what you know about proportion look and read what is in the image above. Does it seem just and fair? Why have you made this choice?Applying ratio and proportion and using the basis by which the rich man was imprisoned, the homeless man would stay only about 3.456 seconds in prison.
- What would you have done if you were the judge? If I were the judge I will just punish the homeless guy by requiring him to render (make; to do) community service.
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