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Thursday, October 13, 2011
Jayjay's Proportion Post
Ratio:The relation between two amounts
Rate:Rate is a ratio that compares two quantities of different units.
Proportion:A proportion is an equation stating that two ratios are equivalent.
5 hours to travel 360 miles is about 72 mph
As a playgroup worker, if I increase the amount of apple juice I am serving at the playgroup from 25 ml to 100 ml, how much should I increase the the orange juice to, to keep the quantities in the same proportion? The orange juice is 50 ml to start with.
3/4 = 12/16 or 4/9 = 16/32
1) diagonally is the first way. multiply the top left to the bottom right and the top right to the bottom left. 2) you can do it vertically.divide the numerator to the denominator for each ratios. 3) you can do it vertically. you divide top and bottom from left to right
Does this seem fair?
No because the homeless guy felt bad and turned himself in which was good and 15 years is too much.
With what you know about proportion look and read what is in the image above. Does it seem just and fair? Why have you made this choice?
No. Because The homeless guy has less money and more years but the rich guy has more money but less years.
What would you have done if you were the judge?
I would let him off the hook because he didnt do something Really bad.
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