Rate - A rate has 2 units. It also compares 2 quantities measured in different units. Ex: $1.69 per 100g, $1.69/100g
Ratio - a ratio shows the quantitative relation between 2 amounts showing the numbers of times one value contains or is contained within another.
1. 5 hours to travel 360 miles is about 72 mph

2. As a playgroup worker, if I increase the amount of apple juice I am serving at the playgroup from 25 ml to 100 ml, how much should I increase the the orange juice to, to keep the quantities in the same proportion? The orange juice is 50 ml to start with.
1. Does this seem fair?
This doesn't seem fair to me because there you have some guy who did a 3 billion dollar fraud getting only 40 months and you have a homeless guy who stole a $100 dollar bill, returning it to to the police the next day getting 15 years.
2. With what you know about proportion look and read what is in the image above. Does it seem just and fair? Why have you made this choice?
No it doesn't seem fair because the person dealing with the larger amount of money should get more years than the homeless man.
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