Rate: A comparison of two quantities measured in different units
Proportion: A proportion is an equation which states that two ratios are equal
- 5 hours to travel 360 miles is about _____mph ( 72 mph )
3.What are the three ways you can prove that equivalent ratio statements are true?
3/4 = 12/16 or 4/9 = 16/32

4.Here is a proportion video to help
1.Does this seem fair? No because the homeless man only stole $100 and he went to jail for 15 years. And the other guy got sentenced for 40 months only even though he fraud for $3 billion.
2.It is not fair because the rich guy stole more money but he was only sentenced to jail for 40 months and the homeless man only stole $100 and he was sentenced to jail for 15 years. It should be the opposite, the rich guy should spend more then 15 years in jail.
3. What would you have done if you were the judge? I would have sentenced the rich guy in jail for 30 years or more and I would have only sentenced the homeless man for at least a year.
Good job joey! this really helped me alot especially the video. but some pieces of information didnt really make sense.
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